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876 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025
Civil Work - Project Experience
Plumbing Repairs, MCB Camp Pendleton, CA
Client: NAVFAC SW, San Diego, CA
Dollar Value: $1,501,980
Completed: 9/20/2010
Description: Renovate three (3) bathrooms by replacing sewer pipes, replacing/repairing walls and tiles, replacing all plumbing fixtures, and install exhaust fans.
Mariposa Lateral, El Segundo, CA
Client: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Dollar Value: $748,958
Completed: 4/26/2010
Description: Construct a recycled water lateral to deliver recycled water to the Green Belt (along Continental Boulevard from El Segundo Boulevard to Grand Avenue).
LF24 & RIDT2 Sitework & Infrastructure, Vandenberg AFB, CA
Client: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Dollar Value: $8,066,485
Completed: 12/17/2009
Description: Construct at two locations simultaneously within a critical time constraint. 1) Launch Facility 24: Provide site grading, electronic security system, security fencing, anti-terrorism features, anti-intrusion measures, and utilities support to an existing structure. 2) Relocatable IDT2: Provide access road and parking lot construction, security fence and systems, underground utilities, concrete foundations, pre-manufactured buildings, fire water (tank/pump/piping controls), electronic security systems, and major electrical requirements.
Imperial Avenue, Laterals, El Segundo, CA
Client: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Dollar Value: $1,621,627
Completed: 6/30/2009
Description: Construct a recycled water lateral to deliver recycled water to the Green Belt, (adjacent to Imperial Avenue in the City of El Segundo).
Cat’s Claw System Multiple Locations
Clients: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Naval Amphibious Base, Coronado, CA
SPAWAR West Compound, San Diego, CA
Main Gate Naval Air Weapons Station in China Lake, CA
Dollar Value: $1,139,486
Completed: 12/24/2008
Description: Provide and install seven (7) Cats Claw Tire Shredder Systems, seven (7) 8-inch Red/Yellow traffic lights, and warning signs stating, “STOP Here on Red – Severe Tire Damage;” hard wire a control panel inside the gate house, and install a reverse-entry detection and activation system for the outbound lanes.
Yuma Vehicle Border Fence, Yuma, AZ
Client: Granite Construction
Dollar Value: $1,723,346
Completed: 12/23/2008
Description: Construct approximately 7.97 miles of vehicle fencing, new gate, new border patrol road, and improvements to existing border patrol road along the Colorado River.
Recycled Water Expansion, Los Angeles, CA
Client: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Dollar Value: $2,396,535
Completed: 10/3/2008
Description: Construct a recycled water lateral to deliver recycled water to the Green Belt.
Grove Park Project, Escondido, CA
Client: City of Escondido, CA
Dollar Value: $1,986,481
Completed: 1/1/2007
Description: Construct a 600 SF comfort station with utilities and drainage improvements, with associated piping, plumbing, and heavy electrical; provide clearing and grubbing, grading, erosion control; provide site concrete; asphalt paving; security fencing and gates; plumbing; park security lighting; BBQ areas; shade structures; trash enclosures; basketball court; and provide a kids play area with slides, swings, landscaping, and irrigation.
Seven Oaks Dam
Client: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Los Angeles District, CA
Dollar Value: $1,863,150
Completed: 12/1/2006
Description: Emergency repairs to replace a severely damaged concrete invert (700 feet inside a water outlet tunnel, and over 500 feet below the surface). Work consisted of dewatering, water diversion, and air monitoring. All tunnel work performed in accordance with CAL OSHA, Fed OSHA, and tunnel lighting safety requirements.
San Dieguito Park
Client: County of San Diego, CA
Dollar Value: $354,789
Completed: 11/30/2005
Description: Provide demolition of an existing play area; clear and grub 43,000 SF; tree felling; construct structural concrete seat walls with footers; construct a retaining wall; install new play equipment; provide parking lot paving and striping, wheel stops; provide drainage structures, landscaping, irrigation; install low voltage lighting and power, hand rails, chain link fencing, drinking fountains, picnic tables, and benches.